Friday, May 14, 2010

Well, well, well.

It's been a terribly long time. Jut terrible! I've let this blog go to the dogs. Almost literally. Soooo a few updates, eh??

  • The Monster's dad has been seeing him every other week. Awkward but it works
  • I quite my job with The Company. I abosultely LOATHED half the management team.
  • I decided to open up my own Animal Rehabilitation and Rescue Center. You can read more about my project here : Even if it's just hitting the share button, please help us spread the word and help people and pets alike :)

Now that my updates are over with, I have to get back to work on this little project of mine but hopefully y'all aren't doin to bad yourselves. :)

It's a beautiful day, go on and enjoy the sunshine :D


1 comment:

  1. hey what's up jez?! It's been a long time sense we talked. Just FYI got married 7 months ago, my wife got pregnant but we lost the baby. So, you still involved with sign language? Hows your congregation? How is monster?

    well I hope to hear from you soon, take care.
