Friday, May 14, 2010

Well, well, well.

It's been a terribly long time. Jut terrible! I've let this blog go to the dogs. Almost literally. Soooo a few updates, eh??

  • The Monster's dad has been seeing him every other week. Awkward but it works
  • I quite my job with The Company. I abosultely LOATHED half the management team.
  • I decided to open up my own Animal Rehabilitation and Rescue Center. You can read more about my project here : Even if it's just hitting the share button, please help us spread the word and help people and pets alike :)

Now that my updates are over with, I have to get back to work on this little project of mine but hopefully y'all aren't doin to bad yourselves. :)

It's a beautiful day, go on and enjoy the sunshine :D


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I was thinking right...Now

Two weeks until Red is in town.

What a fabulous time it will be!!!! My excitement needs no words because we already had our "I KNOW, right?!" Conversation on the phone xD.

Speaking off which, I was in the locker room after my workout today and these two girls went on and on about "like omg, I was thinking that like we should totally wear the blue with the white and like, make it look professional and then add in the glitter" and "I straightened my hair and it took, like, forever!" It was fairly entertaining.

SPEAKING of which, I didn't have to pay for my gym class so now I get the killer bod minus shelling out the cash for it!!! I LOVE IT. So I spent an hour in there this afternoon and I'm feeling pretty darn good. I love getting in the routine of working out because it never fails that once I start working out on a regular basis, I start feeling those endorphines work and well, I get pretty darn frisky. I'm scandalous I know, but its true!! Endorphines make you happy and what better way to channel all those good mood makers than to make someone else happy? And if it gives you that little lightheaded,stupid grin head rush, so much the better!!

I feel a change coming. A really good, life altering, good times ahead kind of curve.

I can't wait!
